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  • 09/17/2024 8:20 AM | Gail Luther (Administrator)

    September slides

    September Mtg

    Octavia (president) opens the meeting at 10:05am on Saturday, September 14th.

    Current financials are on the site here!

    Guild Business

    • QuiltCon Member-Free Registration 11/30

    • 2025 Meeting Venue

      • City of Clayton!

    • January Speaker Canceled

    • Board Elections

      • Please talk to or email Hope Wyss if you are interested in running.

    Improv Block of the Month Sample

    • Both August and September videos will be released this coming week and can be found on the site here!

    Upcoming Events

    • Sept 18 - Hand Stitchers

    • Sept 24 - Hand Sew Happy Hour

    • Sept 28 - Virtual Sew

    • Oct 2 - Hand Stitchers

    • Oct 4-6 - Sew Me STL

    • No October Mtg

    • Nov 23 - Jackman’s Sew Day, Registration is open here!

    Wrap up - Carolina Oneto Virtual Series

    • Overall a great time for members who joined the classes.

    Committee Announcements

    Sew Me

    • Spots are available if you are interested! Registration can be found here!

    • Volunteers are needed!

      • Ironing Boards, Outside Greeters, and more!

      • Volunteer here!

    • Closing up raffle donations at this meeting.

    Charity Committee

    • 2024 Project - Due at November meeting.

      • Speaker from Keyway Center is joining the mtg today.

      • Tote bags with closure

        • Links for patterns on mtg slides

      • Quilts will also be accepted - any size!

      • Personal product donations are encouraged

    Swap & Challenge

    • Modern Art Challenge

      • Sizing can be anywhere from 38” to 100” (sum of all 4 sides, not 100” per side)

      • Detailed information can be found on mtg slides and website

      • Submit by Oct 31st via Instagram or email

      • Show and share at the November mtg

    Community Challenge Quilt

    • Pick up block packets at back of mtg

    • If you have one please either mail in OR submit at Sew Me STL (due by Oct 6th)

    Member Announcements

    Open Artists’ Studio

    • Suzanne Galli Koenen & Michael Koenen at Apple Grove Gallery - flyer

    • Creative fine art, start your holiday shopping with one-of-a-kind gifts!

    • Nov 15 - 5-9pm

    • Nov 16 - 10am-5pm

    • Nov 17 - 10am-5pm

    • more info can be found on www.sgkart.com

    Correctional Center Quilting

    • Looking for donations of supplies - flyer

      • batting

      • thread

      • quilting fabric

      • quilt kits

    • Donations will be accepted at Sew Me, find Kristina.

    Loose Threads Quilt Show - flyer

    • Nov 23rd and 24th

    • St. Charles - The Academy of the Sacred Heart

    Suicide Prevention Donations

    • Just $5 to be entered into a raffle of items and a Quilt!

    Fabric Raffle - thank you Cotton Cuts!!

    Sarah Quin from Keyway Center spoke with us today about the Keyway Center and how our guild’s donations will be helpful in the work they do. Link to Flyers

    Link to photos from the meeting.

  • 07/15/2024 3:26 PM | Gail Luther (Administrator)

    PDF of slides

    July 13th STLMQG Meeting Notes

    Octavia (president) opened the meeting at 10:05.

    Guild reminders:

    • We do not have an August meeting! Carolina Oneto’s virtual trunk show and classes are in August. (more info below)

    • Scrap Buster Challenge entries are due on July 31st at 11:59pm. There will be a drawing at the September meeting.

    • The QuiltCon class schedule is out! Classes open July 31st. Check your website access and get it sorted before you go to sign up for the classes because they go quick!

    • We are still looking for a couple of interested people in planning our December meeting! Let someone on the board know you are interested.

    Financials are posted on the website if you are interested here.

    Upcoming events:

    • July 17 - Hand Stitchers are meeting

    • July 23 - Hand Sew Happy Hour

    • July 27 - Virtual Sew

    • August - No regular meeting!

    • August 16-18 - Carolina Oneto

    • September 14 - Regular Meeting

    Link to Events

    Carolina Oneto events, you MUST register for the ones you are interested in, including the free trunk show:

    The next tutorial for the Improv BOM Sampler is up online! You can find the videos here.

    Sew Me STL

    • The retreat is October 4-6 at the Marriott St. Louis West.

    • There will be demonstrations throughout the weekend and plenty of space to sew and socialize!

    • Registration opened at midnight on July 14th! Spots are going quick, be sure to register now!

    • All registrations must be paid in full by August 14th.

    • You can sign up online here.

    • Hotel rooms are available in the Sew Me STL block. The link is provided in your registration confirmation email.

    • Volunteers are needed for the event! Please sign up here.

    A reminder that the Charity Committee 2024 project is tote bags for the Keyway Center. Bags (and anything else that is donated) will be picked up at the November meeting.

    Donated bags must have a closure. Quilts and personal products will also be accepted. Examples and patterns can be found on the recap slides.

    The Challenge Committee has come to us with a new challenge for the second half of 2024! The Modern Art Challenge is meant to push your creative thinking. There are 5 art pieces within the recap slides for your inspiration and are to be used as only inspiration, not something to replicate. Further details can be found on the recap slides.

    The Community Challenge Quilt was also revealed. You can see the design and the instructions in the recap slides. Block packets can be picked up at the September meeting and the SewMeSTL retreat. Blocks are due either by October 6th at Sew Me STL, the September meeting, or by Mail by October 6th.

    Member Announcements:

    • Warm & Cozy Bus Hop Event

      • September 28th & 29th

      • 8 Different Shops

      • More info can be found on Warm & Cozy’s website.

    • Geek Craft Expo

      • July 27th & 28th

      • At Webster University

      • $5 on entry

      • More info on Webster’s website.

    • Shout out for the Quilting Annex at the City Sewing Room! Be sure to check it out next time you're close by.

    • Golf the Galleries

      • Through August 14th

      • At The Sheldon

    We then participated in 30 minutes of chair yoga with Jennifer Ice from Urban Breath Yoga in Maplewood.

    The raffle winner was pulled; thank you to Cotton Cuts for the fabric raffle prize!.

    Pictures from the meeting

  • 06/10/2024 7:45 AM | Gail Luther (Administrator)

    Slides - June 2024 wo speaker slides.pdf

    President Octavia Pitts called the meeting to order at 10:06 am.

    Octavia reminded us that when our membership was up for renewal, we would be notified in plenty of time, starting 60 days before the renewal date. Not renewing in time and letting the membership lapse and then later restarting, creates administrative issues with the national group, MQG. So, on the first email, go ahead and renew and then it will be taken care of. Those of us that joined prior to January 2023 have a common renewal date at the first of the year. Everyone joining after January, 2023 will have their renewal date on the anniversary of their joining.

    Screenprints showing the renewal process can be found pinned under Member Resources. Link.

    The Treasurer, Susan Muszynski, went over a couple of changes that have been implemented. When renewing or applying for membership, the actual renewing/application needs to be completed before she will accept payment. We've had some issues with payments being made and no record exists on which to mark the payment. Renewing your record is just a matter of hitting a button or two, so please make sure that's done first. 

    If you have any questions about renewing, please ask. Email Gail at webdirector@stlmqg.org.

    Payment can be made online through Wild Apricot or Paypal, or you can write a check made out to STLMQG. Susan will no longer accept cash. Payment will need to be made within 30 days of renewal or application.

    The Hand Stitchers event on June 19 has changed locations to the Bread Co on Chippewa. The library will be closed that day. The event has been changed on the website. Event Link.

    Laura Patterson graciously volunteered to host the Hand Sew Happy Hour on June 25 which will also be at Bread Co on Chippewa. Event Link. You will need to log in.

    The Sew Day at Jackman's is next Saturday. While the event is almost full for those wanting a table for a machine, there are many chairs available for hand stitchers. We are also collecting personal care items for the charity committee's tote project for Keyway Center. Event Link - you will need to log in.

    There was a reminder for the Carolina Oneto workshop in August and registration opens June 16 (next week). An announcement email for the event will go out some time that day.

    Kristina Olson spoke to us about the SewMeSTL retreat. The committee is now accepting donations for the raffle. They will also be sending letters to various companies for donations and sponsorships. For this year's demonstrations, the committee is hoping to branch out to other members who would be willing to share their skills. If you are willing or have an idea of something you would like to see, email the committee at sewmestl@stlmqg.org.

    Laura Patterson from the Charity committee reminded us that any pattern would be acceptable for the tote project, however there are some suggestions on the website. (Note from Gail, I made the Charity page public so that it would be easier to find - Link). Rene' Shoults gave us a brief reminder of the project. We are making tote bags for residents of the Keyway Center. You can get all of the information on the website.

    Stephanie Sachtleben told us about a quilt exhibition coming up Mount Vernon. 

    After the break, our speaker Kristen Reed Edens told us about her work repairing quilts. It was a fascinating talk describing her process and techniques and how she started her business repairing client's quilts. She had some examples of her work and there were many questions. 

    The speaker has asked us to not include her slides in this public post. She did ask to pass this along.

    I've attached my quilt care guidelines to share with everyone.

    Also, for Patricia Reid's Feedsack Swatch Book, the contact information is Cecilia Reid, patssacks@gmail.com. She does not have a website and does have a facebook page at Pats Sacks of Titusville. Anyone who decides to contact her, do mention my name and presentation. She will be thrilled.


    Afterwards, we had our show and share and drew the winners of the raffles. Gail Luther won this month's prize for the Improv Row by Row BOM (thank you very much), Dottie Vaughn and Julie Spurgetis won this month's fabric raffle generously donated by Cotton Cuts. 

    Link to this month's pictures

    See you all next month!

    Gail Luther sitting in for Abbie Stolzer, Secretary

  • 05/15/2024 8:01 AM | Gail Luther (Administrator)

    Octavia (President) opened the meeting at 10:10am.

    April financials are on the website! Everything else will be in the recap. Link

    Thank you again to our Quilt Show Committee!  Over 1,000 people visited, 300 quilts were shown, and we broke even!

    Scrap Buster Challenge ends in July, must have a completed quilt TOP to be eligible.

    In 2025 we will be looking for a Vice President, Treasurer, and Web Director. Start thinking about being on the board now!

    We are looking for a small group of volunteers to plan the December meeting. Email the board if interested. Email - stlmqg@gmail.com

    Check out our News Blog on the website! This is where we will list any sewing related events outside of the guild as we become aware of them.

    Upcoming events:

    • May 15 Hand Stitchers at Buder Library

    • May 21: Hand Sew Happy Hour

    • May 25: Virtual Sew

    • June 8: June Meeting

    • June 15: Jackman’s Fabric’s Sewing Day - Registered Event! Check out this (Link):

      • 10am-5pm

      • We are collecting personal care items for STLMQG Cares Project for the Keyway Center.

    • Carolina Oneto

    Improv Block of the Month Sampler: May’s instructional video is live! (LINK)


    Quilt Show

    • Quilt Show Financials are in the slides.

    • Vendors were thrilled! They are already reaching out to be a part of the next show.

    • It took over half the guild to make this show a success!

    • Robyn is stepping down from leading this committee and we are looking for the next leader(s)! Ideally, 2 or 3 people would lead this committee with all of its moving parts.

      • Robyn will be there to answer questions and give guidance as needed. She has a lot of documentation to share.

      • We need new leaders by January 2025 for the 2026 show.

    Sew Me STL

    • Save the Date: October 4-6

    • Marriott St. Louis West

    • You can sign up for 1, 2, or all 3 days!

    • We can use a couple more volunteers on our committee!

    • Registration dates will be announced at the June meeting.

    • We are seeking donations for the raffles. New items that you would be happy to win. Please bring to the June or July meetings.

    Raffle tickets are for sale for the Bits and Pieces 2025 Quilt Show Raffle Quilt. See Candy!

    Dye Workshop by Ann Mohan is happening May 18th! Contact Ann for more information.

    Check out the Show-n-Share pictures. Link.

  • 03/13/2024 8:41 AM | Gail Luther (Administrator)


    Octavia (President) opens the monthly meeting at 10:05am on March 9th, 2024. We had 94 people in attendance, with several new members and guests also with us.

    We recapped QuiltCon and QuiltNon, both went well for those who attended!

    An update on April’s guild happenings: 

    • April’s guest workshop speaker has been injured, she is having surgery next week and will not be able to travel in April. Her sessions will be rescheduled for next year. 

    • April 13th (second Saturday of April), we will be having a free, virtual meeting. Our regional MQG rep, Sarah Ruiz, will be talking about the larger organization as a whole. She will be open to any questions you may have!

    The improv block of the month’s instructional video will be posted next week on the website. Videos can be found here: Link. When you have each month’s row completed, take a picture, post to Instagram, tag the guild (@stlmqg) and use the hashtag (#stlmqgbom24)!

    The charity committee planned to meet during break to discuss details of the upcoming charity goal of this year.


    • January 2024 balance - $19,835.86

    • February 2024 - $15,245.57

    • Profit/Loss balance sheets are posted on website: Link

    Upcoming Events: 

    • March 20: Hand stitchers - Buder Library

    • March 22: Quilt Show set up

    • March 23-24: Quilt Show

    • March 26: Hand Sew Happy Hour

    • April 3: Hand Stitchers - Buder Library

    • April 13: Virtual Meeting with guest speaker Sarah Ruiz

    • August 16-18: Carolina Oneto Virtual Trunk Show & Workshops

    • October 4-6: Sew Me STL

    The Swap & Challenge Committee presented our first Swap of 2024. March through May, we will be working on Lunch Bags using the colors of the STL MQG logo. Link

    Lunch Bag Swap Details:

    The March meeting was the last call for collecting quilts for the Quilt Show. The committee is in FULL swing getting everything ready for the show in just two short weeks.

    Please look at the slides for a full list of vendors that will be at the show; we have 15 this year!

    We are still looking for volunteers for all types of jobs for the show! If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so with the link below! Times are available for Friday (set-up), Saturday (show), and Sunday (show & take-down). Signup Genius: Link 

    Important things to remember as a Quilt Show Volunteer!

    • Hydrate!

    • Bring lunch, concessions will not be available.

    • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. If you have one of our new guild shirts, wear it!

    • Wear your name tag.

    • Park in the back of parking lot during the show to make sure our guests have easy access.

    • Go to the Guild Booth prior to your shift to check in.

    A reminder that we need at least 2,000 paying guests to attend to break even on the show. Talk and share all things Quilt Show for the next two weeks!

    And a BIG THANK YOU to our Quilt Show Committee!

    Next up in big news for the guild is our Sew Me STL retreat! After the Quilt Show, start thinking about volunteering to help put on Sew Me this year! Meetings will start once a month in April.

    For the raffle, Cotton Cuts donated 2 Allison Glass fabric bundles. Thank you Cotton Cuts!

    Today’s activity: Making Traditional Modern Part 1 by Susan Muszynski, Part 2 by Lila Gardenia coming in May! Susan took us through building our own blocks with paper and then seeing how color can transform them!

    Winners for the BOM & Scrap Buster challenges were picked.

    Meeting concluded and some of us went to Llywelyn’s Pub in Webster!

    Pictures from meeting and show & share

  • 02/12/2024 9:40 AM | Gail Luther (Administrator)

    The meeting was called to order on February 10th by the president, Octavia Pitts. We had 83 people in attendance. We forgot to count guests but there were at least two who then ended up joining bringing our membership to 193.

    With Susan (treasurer) on vacation, we did not have a financial slide this meeting. There will be a financial update in March. For previous financials, they are posted on the website under the Member Resources tab, you will need to log in. Link.

    Octavia (president) went through Guild Business, mentioning volunteers are needed for the Sew Me Committee, thanking the Quilt Show Committee for all of their hard work in the lead-up to the show in March, as well as a callout to the David Owen Hastings lecture that was hosted virtually in January that had more than 80 members in attendance.

    The Scrap Buster Challenge has officially begun! To be entered in for prizes, please submit an image of your fabric pull on social media with #stlmqgscraps2024 or email stlmqg@gmail.com. More information on this challenge can be found here: Link.

    The Improv BOM Sampler has also officially started! The tutorial for the first month can be found on the website: Link. First row is to be done by the March meeting; we will be showing the rows during Show & Share every month.

    Quilt-Non is happening at Jackmans on February 24th. The sewing machine tables are full, but attendance is still encouraged! Update! We have a cancellation so there is one sewing machine table available as of 2/11.

    Lots of events are coming up, we highly recommend checking the website often. This is very easy on the phone app; look for Wild Apricot for Members on your phone’s app store. The 2024 calendar has been updated with the dates that we know about. If we forgot something, let us know. You can email Gail at webdirector@stlmqg.org.

    Volunteers are needed for the Quilt Show. There are many different ways to volunteer! You can view the volunteers needed and sign up to volunteer here: Link.

    A list of the Quilt Show vendors will be posted to the website following their committee meeting 2/12.

    Spread the word about the Quilt Show by sharing the Facebook event and posting about it on social media!

    Suzanne Galli Koenen’s “Colorplay” is showing at the Webster Groves Public Library during the month of February. Link.

    The Green Door Art Gallery in Webster Groves is hosting an exhibit called “Hooked on Fibers” through March 2nd. Link.

    Faith Ringgold has an exhibit at the Chicago Contemporary Art Museum until February 25th. Link.

    There is an estate sale with all things sewing and crafting on February 17th from 11am-3pm in Pinewood Estates in Wildwood. More information can be found in the Facebook group.

    Loose Ends Project is a network of people throughout the country who will finish projects for families if they have a person who has passed or unable to complete projects. Craft individuals can sign up to be that someone to finish projects. Link.

    Melissa and Annamaria are hosting a sewing day at Fence STL in Shrewsbury. If interested contact Melissa Eagan or Annamaria Lu for the address.


    After the break we heard from our speakers Janice Samson and Carolyn Lesser. They talked us through all things color. We were encouraged to bring a square of neutral fabric and colorful scraps to look at how colors play with one another. For an in-depth look at what they spoke about, please look through the slides!

    We raised $250 in the monthly raffle that was generously donated by Cotton Cuts. Fabric Raffle Winners: Carol Schmidt and Janice Samson.

    The final thing we did was Show & Share, pictures can be found here: Link.

    Meeting was adjourned.

    Submitted by Abbie Stolzer (secretary)

  • 01/16/2024 7:38 AM | Gail Luther (Administrator)

    PDF of Slides

    The meeting was called to order at 10:06 on January 13th by the president, Octavia Pitts. We had 67 people attending with one new member joining at the meeting.

    Octavia (President) went through the financial slide. The balance at the end of the year was $20,770.21. We’ve got a couple of big expenses coming up; MQG dues will be around $2,700 and speaker fees of $1,800 for Kitty Wilkin in the next month. We will present the quilt show finances after the show, once the expenses have been paid. The financials are posted on the website under the Member Resources tab, you will need to log in. Link

    We voted on the 2024 Board slate; Octavia to continue as President for another 2-year term, Gail Luther as Web Director in an one-year term and new to board, Abbie Stolzer for a 2-year term as Secretary. Spoiler alert, the officer slate passed almost unanimously.

    Octavia went over the survey results from the survey sent out in December. You can see the results in the slides. We have a member forum on the website and invite any comments or questions about this or anything guild related to be posted there.

    One note, the board is looking at other locations for 2025. Shrewsbury has already been contracted for 2024. 

    Another note, the board has heard loud and clear that we must have Show and Share every month. As we continue tweaking the way we present information at the meeting, please know that we know that the viewing of quilts is our top priority. Note from Gail. Pictures of previous Show and Shares are on the website  whenever you need a quilt viewing hit. Link

    It's time to sign up for our 2024 committees which can easily be done on the website. We also had paper signups at the meeting. For those of you new to the guild, committee assignments are a great way to get to know other members. Most committee meetings take place over Zoom, no more than once a month.

    Hope Wyss proposed a vote for a one time donation of $100 to a Donors Choose project that is teaching 5th graders sewing skills where they will be making blankets for Project Linus. Link to Project. That proposal also passed.

    Those that need to renew and haven’t, please renew now. Oops, those that didn’t renew were archived on January 15th. If you want to rejoin, go ahead and hit the Join Us button on the website. Link

    Robyn Passig (Quilt Show Committee chair) announced that while the Quilt Show committee is full, we will be needing many volunteers at the actual show. Watch for a volunteer signup in February. Never fear, you will be reminded. Lots of volunteers are needed.

    Laura Patterson volunteered to lead the Hand-Sew Happy Hour on January 23, and it will be at Bread Co. on Chippewa. See the event for details. Link Thanks to Laura for stepping up!

    Lots of events are coming up, we highly recommend checking the website often. This is very easy on the phone app; look for Wild Apricot for Members on your phone’s app store. The 2024 calendar has been updated with the dates that we know about. If we forgot something, let us know. You can email Gail at webdirector@stlmqg.org.

    We still have openings (not many) for the David Owen Hastings lecture. This is free for members to attend and $10 for guests. Registration will close when we reach 100 attendees. Zoom instructions will be sent to those that registered during the week prior to the event. Link to event

    Save the dates for Kitty Wilkin’s workshops and trunk show April 12 - 14, and Carolina Oneto on August 16 - 18. More information can be found, you guessed it, on the website. Link to Wilkin. Link to Oneto.

    For those of you that are not going to QuiltCon this year, there will be a special Jackman’s sewing day on February 24th. We are calling it Quilt-Non! We will be collecting personal care items for St. Vincent DePaul. Body wash, lotion, laundry soap, diapers, and feminine hygiene products are always in high demand. You will need to register for this event on the website. Link

    Guild t-shirts can be ordered through the website store until January 20th. We will be bundling the order and hopefully have shirts to hand out at the February meeting.

    Occasionally, the Board gets a whim and issues challenges but we also have a committee that issues challenges so we decided to call the Board’s challenges, Board Games. The first board game is being handled by our president, Octavia. It is an Improv BOM Sampler. You can find details on the slide and on the website, you will need to scroll down a bit. Link

    The second board game is being handled by Susan Muszynski (Treasurer) and is the Scrap Buster. You can find those details on the slide or the website. Link This one starts now and runs to the end of July. 

    Robyn Passig and Janice Samson from the Quilt Show committee came up and demonstrated the registration process to submit quilts for the upcoming quilt show. There were many, many questions about the process so Janice wrote up a document about it and it has been put on the Member Resources for Quilt Show page on the website. Link

    The items noted included that the fields on the registration marked with a red asterisk are required. You can register up to nine modern quilts/projects. The projects will need to have been completed in the last five years. You will need to have the dimensions of the project for the form. The committee will use this in the planning of the layout of the show.

    Information can be saved and updated later, however, the committee won’t see the information until your form has been submitted, so take notice. 

    The description form will be on the card next to the displayed quilt. Think of it as a marketing tool to convince others of how great modern quilting is. 

    While you are limited to nine projects, they can be all in the same category if need be.

    Bella Gurevich showed us her awesome jacket that she will be submitting and asked what category it should be submitted to. The miscellaneous category is for modern quilted items that are outside the boundaries of a blanket or wall hanging. Patti Marti offered to let the guild borrow mannequins from work to display any jackets.

    You will need an image ready to upload and the maximum size for the image is 10 GB. The form will not let you proceed without an image so be prepared. The image only needs to show the front of the quilt. 

    The project has to be completed to the point of binding to be registered. Yes, it has to be quilted in the photo to be registered. While it does not need to be bound for the photo, it does need to be bound and possibly sleeved for the actual show. 

    Susan Muszynski has the labels from the Chihuly challenge and will give them to the committee.

    Note on the form if you want the back of something shown. There will be white glove volunteers at the show to turn quilts over for viewers.

    If you are submitting in the Challenge category, please list the challenge it was a part of. There’s a list on the Quilt Show website page. Link

    You should receive an email after hitting the Save button. We are unsure if you get an email after submitting. The Submit button is a big, green button. We are also unsure if once submitted, if you can go back to edit the submission. So, make sure you are done before Submitting.

    The committee email is Quiltshow@stlmqg.org.

    Nancy Dlugosz suggested having all of the information available before attempting the registration. Organization will save time.

    Marie Hill asked to please use spell check. Write out your description separately and cut and paste to the description. This is what is shown to the public. We don’t want them knowing we can’t spell.

    Kate Moore volunteered to proofread anyone’s description. Her email is katestlmo@gmail.com.

    If you have a project in progress, you can enter your completed projects now and not actually submit it until January 31st, if you finish the current project, then you can add it. Don't forget to submit though.

    We were reminded that there will be a jury process to ensure the selection of modern quilts for this show. This is not a judging evaluation, however it is possible for a quilt to be declined for the show. The committee will be using the MQG definition of modern quilting for the jurying process.

    Items smaller than 40 inches do not need a sleeve.

    Please include in your description the pattern name if used and the designer, or if you riffed on someone else's work. Also include who quilted the piece. Attribute where you can.

    If a project has been accepted for the show, you will receive an email before the next guild meeting.

    Other announcements -

    The monthly after-meeting lunch was at Cowbron and was quite good.

    Suzanne Galli Koenen will be displaying her paintings at the Webster Groves Public Library during the month of February. We actually have a news post about this on the website. Link

    Cindi Templin brought up flyers for a smocking class . It has been added as a News post. Link

    Laura Patterson reminded us that someone left a white cardigan at the SewMeSTL retreat in September. Please, contact us at stlmqg@gmail.com if you left behind a white sweater, we would like to return it.

    Program - 

    After break, we then heard from our speaker, fellow member Mac Barnes who spoke about using computer tools in the quilting process. We enjoyed pictures of his projects which can be seen on the slides. He also brought two projects that we could look at up close. There are pictures of these projects included in the meeting’s pictures on the website. Link

    He talked about how he came to quilting through his grandmother. He is a student at Washington University and enjoys using engineering problem solving skills in his quilting projects. You can find the stories behind his projects on his website, macbarnes.art.

    Some of the software he uses is Inkscape and Procreate. Bing was also suggested as a way to get AI generated images.

    He mentioned a show that was starting on the 13th at Art St. Louis. More information can be found on their website. Link

    He recommended checking YouTube for videos on basically any process. He has found a variety of videos there.

    Mac recommended following Matt’s Pixel Garden on Instagram. He creates art using math. @mattspixelgarden

    You can follow Mac at his website, macbarnes.art and the same handle on Instagram, @macbarnes.art.

    Raffles - We raised $125 on the monthly raffle, generously donated by Cotton Cuts, The winners were Susan Muszynski and Dorothy LaBounty. The prizes will be mailed to the winners.

    The final event was Show and Share, everyone's favorite part of the meeting. See pictures of the projects here.

    We adjourned.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Gail Luther

    2023 Secretary

    2024 Web Director

  • 12/20/2023 9:19 AM | Gail Luther (Administrator)

    I wanted to open up the Recap blog to comments from members and when I did, I notice comments left by the public on basically every month's recap. They were all scam. I think I have it turned off for the public but on for the members. I also don't think I get any notification of comments left so if you ever see an inappropriate comment, please notify me at webdirector@stlmqg.org. Thanks! Feel free to leave appropriate comments.

    Gail Luther

  • 12/19/2023 3:44 PM | Gail Luther (Administrator)

    While this is indeed a recap of the December 2023 meeting, it is also a recap of the entire year. There may be information that was not reviewed in the meeting so even if you attended the meeting, please read for the additional information. Grab a cup of coffee, it is long.

    PDF of slides

    The December 16, 2023 meeting was brought to order at 10:06 by our president, Octavia Pitts.

    Octavia presented a quick review of upcoming events. 

    The January program will be a presentation on Computer Engineering in Quilt Making from one of our newest (and youngest) members, Mac Barnes. Octavia also mentioned that Mac had a quilt accepted to show at the 2024 QuiltCon and will be teaching at a virtual quilting conference in January. See the post for more information. 

    You can see at a quick glance all the events scheduled for 2024 by either logging into the website on a computer or downloading the free app, Wild Apricot for Members, to your phone. You will use the same user id and password for the phone app and website. The phone app makes keeping up with guild news fast and easy.

    Membership Renewal - If you joined the guild prior to January 2023, it is time to renew. Just log into the website and go to your profile. There is a video that was created last year that is still available to watch. Link. Keep in mind that the dates being referred to are from last year and the treasurer’s address has been changed for the 2023 treasurer, Susan. All the other information still applies. If you don’t wish to pay online, you must start the renewal process on the website to create an invoice. The treasurer will mark paid once physical payment is received. The board is not available to do renewals for members.

    Library books - Please return them to Jenn Deck (vice-president). She is reviewing and updating the library and actually needs to lay eyes on all the books.

    Other Items - A survey has been sent to all members to help the board in planning for 2024 and part of 2025. This survey will close January 1.  Link to survey. Octavia assured us that it is anonymous and all responses will be taken into consideration in the planning of activities for 2024 and beyond. 

    Susan Muszynski (Treasurer) gave a brief overview of the guild’s finances. The November checkbook balance is $19,677.44. She reminded everyone that even if the balance isn’t mentioned at a meeting, it will always be included in the meeting’s recap. There is also a special page of financial information on the website under Member Resources. Link to page. Because this information is for members only, you will need to log in. Currently, all of the Profit and Loss statements are included and the last few Balance statements. Susan is working on backfilling the Balance Sheets for 2023. If there is other information you would like to see, please notify Susan at treasurer@stlmqg.org or you can leave a post in the Member Forum available under the Member Resources tab. 

    Octavia presented the board candidates that we will be voting on at the January meeting. Octavia is running for a two-year term as President, Gail Luther for one-year term in the new Web Director position and Abbie Stolzer for a two-year term as Secretary.

    Octavia, on behalf of the rest of the guild, thanked everyone that participated in committee and leadership positions. Over 60 members volunteered on 9 committees. The guild would like to particularly thank the new House committee which has helped in setting up and running the actual meetings each month. If you had ever wondered whose hands were in the Show & Share pictures, it was someone on the House committee. We had five members step up as new committee leaders this year and Octavia named and thanked the Programming and Welcome committees. Gail Luther (Secretary) thanked and named the House, Swap & Challenge and Quiltcon Challenge Quilt committees. Susan Muszynski (Treasurer) thanked and named the Charity and Sew Me St Louis committees and Jenn Deck (Vice-President) thanked the Quilt Show and Social Committees. Thanks again everyone!

    Thank you Sarah Holst of Sarah-Made who donated the fat quarters given as thank you gifts to the committee members.

    Also, people asked where the quilt cookies came from and we got them from Dream Sweet Delights. Link  

    We are now accepting sign-ups for 2024 committees. Please use the sign-up sheet on the Committee page on the website. Please sign up even for committees (Quilt Show) that are carrying over from 2023.

    Photo is all the 2023 committee members/leaders that were at the meeting.

    Octavia went over a review of 2023 and Coming Attractions in 2024 which will be presented in more detail later in this recap.

    She then announced that we are now taking orders for guild t-shirts. There are two color options for short sleeve versions and one color option for a long sleeve version. Orders will be taken until January 20th and then a bulk order placed. We hope to pass out the ordered t-shirts at the March meeting, possibly the February one. You can sign up and pay for the t-shirts at the Store on the website. The Store is only available to members so you will need to log in. The Store is not available on the phone app, you will need to access it through a browser either on a computer or your phone.

    The meeting was then turned over to Jessica Schunke and Kristi Daum of the Swaps & Challenges committee. Everyone that brought a bag of favorite items (which was most of us) participated in two big circles passing our bags left and right according to a dice throw. There was much laughter as we tried to remember our left from our right. The bags included each member’s favorite tool and a FQ from their favorite designer and one of their favorite colors. 

    After break, we then played a rousing game of Quilty Bingo and then passed out many attendance prizes. Once again, our fearless treasurer, Susan, did not win.

    Then to the favorite part of every meeting, Show and Share. Please check out the photos on the website. Link to Photos. Included in the parade of quilts is our guild’s submission to the 2024 QuiltCon Charity Challenge. More information will be forthcoming and included on the challenge page.

    Member Kat Scott made an announcement concerning the organization MADE on Delmar has sewing equipment and would love for our members to check it out.

    That concluded this month’s meeting. Please continue reading for a more complete recap of the year and coming attractions for 2024.

    2023 in Review - 

    These items were summarized at the meeting, this write-up has more details.

    MEMBERSHIP - Our membership numbers are currently at 217 after picking up one new member at the beginning of this month’s meeting. This time last year, it was reported that we had 207 members. In January 2023, this number dropped to 144 meaning 63 existing members did not renew. The membership database shows that we received 59 new members throughout the year though sometimes it is difficult to discern if they are rejoins or brand new members. Obviously, we have had some rejoins but not as many as we could have hoped. The challenge going forward is to keep the members we have while also continuing to add new members. The other continuing challenge, of course, is effectively managing a guild of this size.

    As of this writing, the database is showing that 83 members have rejoined for 2024. Two renewal notifications have gone out in email, another one is scheduled for January 1, 2024. On January 8, 2024 a lapsed notice will go out. On January 15, 2024 memberships that haven’t been marked as renewed will be considered expired and will be archived. We usually pick up several renewals at the January meeting.

    The 64 members that have a different renewal date will have similar renewal notices starting 60 days prior to their renewal date. You can see your renewal date (and process your renewal) in your profile on the website.

    QUILTCON - We were very proud to be represented by five quilts at the 2023 QuiltCon in Atlanta, Georgia. You can see more information about these quilts on our website. You can also see in the group picture, just how many of us went this year. If you are planning on attending QuiltCon in 2024, watch for a signup. This is just so we know how many are going and help in wrangling everyone for a picture. If you have had a quilt accepted at QuiltCon, first off congratulations and second please notify the board at stlmqg@gmail.com or webdirector@stlmqg.org. We want to be sure to get a picture of it at the actual show. Link to QC page.

    COMMUNITY OUTREACH - Our membership voted to donate $1000 to Sew Hope Community Sewing Room to help in recovery efforts after a flood. We also voted to donate $1000 to City Sewing Room to assist in their efforts to add a quilting annex. Our charity committee collected over 64 quilts from our membership for residents in three of our community’s neediest long-term care facilities; Blue Circle (St Louis City), Green Park ( St Louis county) and Frontier (St Charles county). 

    CHALLENGES - Our guild loves a good challenge. Information and pictures on all these challenges can be found on the Challenges page on the website.

    WORKSHOPS/TRUNK SHOWS - We had two workshop/trunk show series this year; Rebecca Bryan in April and Tia Curtis in July. There are links to galleries of pictures from their trunk shows on the Speakers/Workshops page listed under the Guild Activities tab. You can see a description of future plans for workshops in the same tab; David Owen Hastings in January, Kitty Wilkin in April, and Carolina Oneto in August. Those future events are also listed as events in the website and we are currently accepting registrations for the David Hastings lecture which is free to members but you must register.

    OTHER COMING EVENTS - This is Modern quilt show in March, three Jackman sew days, more challenges and the member retreat, Sew Me St Louis in October. Keep an eye on the event calendar.

    MEETING ATTENDANCE - Attendance at the December meeting was 92 members with one member joining that morning. The average attendance at meetings in 2023 was 90 as compared to 77 in 2022.

    If you have a suggestion for a venue that might work better for us, please email stlmqg@gmail.com or post on member forum under Member Resources. Keep in mind that we have members spread all over the St. Louis metro area including many members in Illinois. The room needs to accommodate 100 + people and have access to a well-working microphone and decent audio-visual equipment would be frosting on the cake. It also needs ample parking which on occasion, Shrewsbury falls short on.

    FUNDRAISING - This year we raffled off 16 fat quarter bundles, generously donated by Cotton Cuts, raising $1495. The donated FQs were from various designer collections and the Kaffe Fassett bundle in February was the favorite bringing in $265. Our 2023 expense for monthly room rental was $1590 so you can see we came very close to covering the room rental. Thanks Cotton Cuts for the fabric and thanks everyone that bought tickets. Keep buying raffle tickets!

    Quilt Show Changes - After searching for alternative venues, the Quilt Show committee suggested and we agreed, to change the venue to Greensfelder Recreation Center in Queeny Park and to move up the dates of the show to March 23-24, 2024. After a mad scramble to adjust the planning for this bigger and better show, we are quickly approaching registration dates for your quilts. This new date, hopefully, will continue into the future on alternate years from the quilt show that fellow guild, Bits n Pieces hosts. 

    Workshops/Retreats - We hosted two different workshop/trunk show series. Rebecca Bryan in April and Tia Curtis in July. We had over 77 members register for the four workshops. The annual membership retreat was held in September this year and we had 94 members register for the retreat and 91 physically check in. There are special pages for these events, please check them for more information about the events; Speakers/Workshops and SewMeSTL Member Retreat.

    Bylaw Changes - At the June meeting, we passed amendments to the guild’s bylaws changing the membership period from a yearly cycle ending on December 31st to a rolling year based upon the date a member joins. Now that we are on Wild Apricot, this type of membership management is automatic and we’re ready to take advantage of it. The schedule of electing board officers was also changed from December to January to remove the translation of new officers out of the busy holiday season. 

    At the October meeting, we amended the bylaws again to add a new position, Web Director. This is effectively splitting the current role of Secretary, moving responsibilities with the new website to a separate role.

    Website - We completed our first official year on the Wild Apricot (WA) hosted website. We joined this service in September 2022 and continue to find new ways to use it. We prepaid two years fees in 2022 in order to take advantage of a 15% discount. We will be up for renewal in September 2024 and the current plans are to renew this service. WA is set up on a tier fee basis and currently we are using the tier that covers groups of up to 250 members. We could conceivably need to upgrade our contract to a higher tier of up to 500 members. At our current tier, renewal will be at $1530 after a price increase made earlier in the year. By prepaying for two years, we delayed the increase until we renew our contract. The monthly breakdown of cost is $51 a month currently; at renewal we would jump to $63.75. If we were to increase our tier to over 250 people, then the monthly cost would be $119, a substantial increase. We would not need to pay this increase until we actually cross that threshold.

    Another item that we are watching closely, is the space we are using on the website. Currently, we are sitting at 50% of the allowed space. We are a visual craft and like to make use of lots of photos, unfortunately these photos take up a lot of space. In 2024, the web director will be looking at archiving older displays of photos and taking advantage of our guild space on Google Photos. We will also keep our old space on blogspot which we are using as an archive of the guild’s business from 2010 through 2022. We don’t anticipate moving this and it is free.

    The board will be seeking to find ways to effectively use the website in the future in the management of all activities of the guild; particularly hoping to find ways to ease the management of committee tasks.

    Other Tools - We started using Google Workspace in 2023 and plan to continue the use. This service is free to non-profit organizations and it allows us to expand storage space for board and committee activities. Each committee has a dedicated email address and space, and it will continue to be their choice to use it. We also plan to continue the use of Zoom in committee/board meetings, virtual sew activities and other uses. We don’t plan to continue the use of Zoom in the monthly meetings, due to low virtual attendance and technical difficulties that are complicated to assess and correct at meetings.

    Questions about this recap may be directed to secretary@stlmqg.org or can be written as a post on the Member Forum on the website. 

    Respectfully submitted,

    Gail Luther

    Secretary, 2023

  • 11/14/2023 8:36 AM | Gail Luther (Administrator)


    PDF of Slides

    The meeting was called to order at 10:03 by the president, Octavia Pitts (OP).

    The treasurer, Susan Muszynski (SM) called for a moment of silence to honor those members that are veterans.

    OP reminded us of the upcoming sewing day at Jackman’s Fabrics on November 18.  There are still spots available for hand sewers and machine sewers. If you are interested, please register on the event page. Keep in mind that this event is for members only. If you are shopping at the sale that day at the St. Louis location, be sure to stop by the sewing room to say hi. Link to Event 

    OP - Elections for the 2024 Board will be held in January. Please contact Hope Wyss if you are interested in serving on the board. She is particularly interested in finding someone for the Secretary position. She can be reached at hope.wyss@gmail.com. If you would like to review the duties of each board role, please refer to this document. -Link to Officer Roles 

    The slide lists that the November Hand Sew Happy Hour has been canceled. That has now changed. Tess McMahon has graciously offered to host the event on November 14 (also a change) at the Bread Co. on Chippewa. Please see the event for the address. Link to event

    OP also mentioned that we are attempting to spread out the hand sew events throughout the month in 2024 so if you want to attend all three, you can!

    The slide also incorrectly indicates that the date for the David Owens Hastings event as January 24, 2024. The correct date is January 25, 2024. This event is virtual and free for members and $10 for nonmembers. We do ask that members register and that registration will open on November 26. An email will be sent that day. Link to event

    Events for 2024 are now on the calendar. Please review the website/phone app frequently to keep up to date on what is being offered.

    We are currently seeking committee members for 2024. The sign-up page is available on the website along with descriptions of the committees and current members. We will be also looking for leaders of the committees so please consider volunteering for one of those roles. Link to committee page 

    The early-bird pricing for the Quiltcon quilt show ends on November 30. Members that register get into the show for free. So even if you are not sure if you are going, you might as well register. Link to Quiltcon 

    Don’t forget that all library books need to be returned by the December meeting. It is also time to turn in any charity quilts that you have been working on.

    Mark your calendars for the December meeting. It will be a celebration of what the guild accomplished in 2023. Please note that it is for members only and it is highly recommended that you register ahead of time. See the slide or event for a reminder about the Favorites swap. Link to Event

    QuiltCon Challenge quilt 

    The quilt top has been pieced together and handed off to Emily Wall for quilting. The committee thanks everyone that helped by creating the blocks. 

    Quilt Show Committee

    Robyn Passig, committee chair for the Quilt Show, updated us on the timeline for the show, which you can see on the slides. An event for the January registration period has also been added to the website calendar. A link for registering your quilts will be added to the event and Quilt Show page once it is available. 

    Other Business

    OP reminded us that the renewal of membership for everyone that joined prior to 2023 is happening now. Renewals for members joining in 2023 will be the date that member joined. You can see the date of your membership on your member profile on the website or the phone app. See below for more information if you are currently renewing.

    OP reminded everyone that we are meeting at McAlister’s for lunch after the meeting. Thanks to the social committee for organizing these lunches. They have been great fun.

    OP reminded everyone of the Free Table in the back and noted that Nancy Kingston evidently cleaned out her sewing room because she brought a lot of stuff for the table.


    Amy Suiter, the program committee chair led this month’s activity. Everyone worked on an English paper piecing project with a fall theme. We created bookmarks using hexagons. Attendees created either a straight bookmark or a very cute turkey bookmark. Link to pictures

    There are links in the slides to various tutorials. A special thanks goes to our EPP Helpers; Leila Gardunia, Tess McMahon, Sally Koczan, Gayle May, Susan Muszynski, Janice Samson and Octavia Pitts who were on hand to help everyone with their project. Thanks to Amy, the committee and all the helpers for a fun activity.


    The final pass was made for the 2023 Round Robin Challenge and again, we were amazed by the talent of our members. 42 members participated in seven nests. A special thanks goes to the “mama birds”, the members that volunteered to keep their group (“nest”) organized; Marie Hill, Em Komiskey, Kristina Olson, Nichole Lewis, Edy John, Pam Hartig and Sybil Fisher. Check out the photos on the challenge page.

    Photo Gallery

    The winner of this month’s prize of a Carolyn Friedlander FQ bundle went to Jolene Grosch. An overall prize of a Cotton Cuts Modern Maker one-month membership went to Pam Waske. Congratulations everyone!


    The monthly attendance prizes were drawn and once again, Susan M did not win. Remember to wear your handmade name tag to future meetings to receive a chance at the attendance prizes. If you have anything to donate for prizes, please see Susan Muszynski. 

    This month’s prize of the Riley Blake FQ bundle, Arrival of Winter was awarded to Candy Grisham and Robyn Passig. Thank you Cotton Cuts for your generous donation. Robyn Passig was asked at lunch about her frequent success at winning the fabric raffle and she just replied that she likes to increase her odds. So, be sure to participate in future raffles, you do not need to be in attendance to win. We raised $115 this month in the raffle and the proceeds will help pay for the meeting room.


    We saw lots of great quilts in the show & share. Check out the photos here.  Photo Gallery


    87 Members attended in person, with four attending by Zoom. We had six guests of which three have since joined. Membership currently stands at 215.


    The guild’s checking account is currently $18,722.99. There was a big drop from October because the venue bill for the SewMeSTL retreat was paid.

    The October Profit & Loss has been posted to the website. Link to Statements


    For the vast majority of us, it is time to renew our membership. You can easily renew online at the website, stlmqg.org or on the handy smartphone app, Wild Apricot for Members. You use the same password and userid on the app that you use online on the website. You can renew at either place by simply going to your profile. The profile will tell you when your next renewal is in case you can’t remember if you have renewed or not (no judging here, it happens). The actual link is not highlighted on the website so it is easy to miss. The link says Renew to 01/01/2025 (The Website won't let me post a picture here).

    You will be reminded again, 30 days before it is due and then again seven days prior. To avoid these annoying emails, just go ahead and renew! You are welcome to pay by check if you don’t like to pay online but please go ahead and start the renewal process and create an invoice. Your treasurer will mark it paid once the check is received. Doing this helps her save several steps and she thanks you for it. Her address should be on the invoice or you can pay at the meeting.


    Let’s get into the habit of registering for the monthly meetings ahead of time. This helps the board and committee with meeting planning by letting us know how many people to expect. Plus, once you register, it is very easy to add the event to your phone calendar. 


    Email - stlmqg@gmail.com

    Website - stlmqg.org

    Facebook Page - St. Louis Modern Quilt Guild 

    Instagram - @stlmqg

    If you need to find someone in the guild, there is a Directory on the website Members Resources and phone app (far left on bottom menu). If you don’t want to list your name in the directory, please go to the Privacy section of your Member Profile. It currently defaults to Member Only and the public cannot see this information.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Gail Luther - Secretary, 2023

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St. Louis Modern Quilt Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 216 Parkland Ave, St. Louis, MO 63122

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