June 2024 Monthly Recap - June 8, 2024

06/10/2024 7:45 AM | Gail Luther (Administrator)

Slides - June 2024 wo speaker slides.pdf

President Octavia Pitts called the meeting to order at 10:06 am.

Octavia reminded us that when our membership was up for renewal, we would be notified in plenty of time, starting 60 days before the renewal date. Not renewing in time and letting the membership lapse and then later restarting, creates administrative issues with the national group, MQG. So, on the first email, go ahead and renew and then it will be taken care of. Those of us that joined prior to January 2023 have a common renewal date at the first of the year. Everyone joining after January, 2023 will have their renewal date on the anniversary of their joining.

Screenprints showing the renewal process can be found pinned under Member Resources. Link.

The Treasurer, Susan Muszynski, went over a couple of changes that have been implemented. When renewing or applying for membership, the actual renewing/application needs to be completed before she will accept payment. We've had some issues with payments being made and no record exists on which to mark the payment. Renewing your record is just a matter of hitting a button or two, so please make sure that's done first. 

If you have any questions about renewing, please ask. Email Gail at webdirector@stlmqg.org.

Payment can be made online through Wild Apricot or Paypal, or you can write a check made out to STLMQG. Susan will no longer accept cash. Payment will need to be made within 30 days of renewal or application.

The Hand Stitchers event on June 19 has changed locations to the Bread Co on Chippewa. The library will be closed that day. The event has been changed on the website. Event Link.

Laura Patterson graciously volunteered to host the Hand Sew Happy Hour on June 25 which will also be at Bread Co on Chippewa. Event Link. You will need to log in.

The Sew Day at Jackman's is next Saturday. While the event is almost full for those wanting a table for a machine, there are many chairs available for hand stitchers. We are also collecting personal care items for the charity committee's tote project for Keyway Center. Event Link - you will need to log in.

There was a reminder for the Carolina Oneto workshop in August and registration opens June 16 (next week). An announcement email for the event will go out some time that day.

Kristina Olson spoke to us about the SewMeSTL retreat. The committee is now accepting donations for the raffle. They will also be sending letters to various companies for donations and sponsorships. For this year's demonstrations, the committee is hoping to branch out to other members who would be willing to share their skills. If you are willing or have an idea of something you would like to see, email the committee at sewmestl@stlmqg.org.

Laura Patterson from the Charity committee reminded us that any pattern would be acceptable for the tote project, however there are some suggestions on the website. (Note from Gail, I made the Charity page public so that it would be easier to find - Link). Rene' Shoults gave us a brief reminder of the project. We are making tote bags for residents of the Keyway Center. You can get all of the information on the website.

Stephanie Sachtleben told us about a quilt exhibition coming up Mount Vernon. 

After the break, our speaker Kristen Reed Edens told us about her work repairing quilts. It was a fascinating talk describing her process and techniques and how she started her business repairing client's quilts. She had some examples of her work and there were many questions. 

The speaker has asked us to not include her slides in this public post. She did ask to pass this along.

I've attached my quilt care guidelines to share with everyone.

Also, for Patricia Reid's Feedsack Swatch Book, the contact information is Cecilia Reid, patssacks@gmail.com. She does not have a website and does have a facebook page at Pats Sacks of Titusville. Anyone who decides to contact her, do mention my name and presentation. She will be thrilled.


Afterwards, we had our show and share and drew the winners of the raffles. Gail Luther won this month's prize for the Improv Row by Row BOM (thank you very much), Dottie Vaughn and Julie Spurgetis won this month's fabric raffle generously donated by Cotton Cuts. 

Link to this month's pictures

See you all next month!

Gail Luther sitting in for Abbie Stolzer, Secretary

St. Louis Modern Quilt Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 216 Parkland Ave, St. Louis, MO 63122

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