2025 Block Lotto

Our guild activity for 2025 is a Block Lotto, a popular activity that the guild hasn't done for a few years. Participants will be bring a block to the assigned monthly meeting that matches the requirements. They will earn a raffle ticket for each block surrendered. At the end of the meeting, a drawing will be held to see who walks away with all the blocks. The hope is that we will see these blocks again in the form of a quilt top. If enough blocks are donated, there may be more than one winner.

Things we ask you to keep in mind - 

Stitch length should be 2.0 or slightly less

All seams should be a quarter inch. Use a scant seam if your blocks end up smalled than intended.

Double check block sizes for accurate finished sizing; there are different sizes for the different months.

Blocks should be pressed well.

Modern, quilt shop quality fabrics only please.

Members will receive one ticket per block made.


The first block of the 2025 Block Lotto is the Discovery block which can be found on the MQG website. Link to Block. This is a PDF download. Turn in your blocks at the February meeting.

If you have trouble logging on to the website, the webdirector or treasurer can help.


Solids only; no blenders

Background can be black, white, or gray.

The rest of the block is to be a primary color (red, blue, yellow) but it can be any hue.


The February block is the Crosshatch block. Link to block.


Solid background, print for crosshatch.

One dark color and one light color, quilter's choice.


The March block is any block from the Bitty Block collection of blocks. Link to collection.


Low volume background.

Bright, bold prints/blenders for image; smaller scale will work best


The April block is the Lightning block on the MQG website. Link to block. Will need to log into the MQG website; contact webdirector or treasurer for assistance.


Solids - pick two colors from the following palette.


The June block is the Pie Slice block by guild member Leila Gardunia. Link to block


Low volume background.

Bright, bold prints; smaller scale will look best

Does not have to be standard pie colors.


The July block is the O Block by Missouri Star Quilt Company. Link to block


Solid fabrics only; no blenders

Analogous colors - Link to helpful video


The August block is the 16-Patch Star. Link to block. Both block sizes allowed; quilter's choice.


Solid white background

Solid guild logo colors for points

Guild logo colors for centers, prints are fine.


The September block is the September. It is a PDF download; you must checkout through store to receive. Link to block


24 inch size block only

Solids only, no blenders

White background fabric

Monochromatic; pick three values of one color; light, medium, and dark

Are you going to SewMe? Make one while you're there! Each quilt top only requires four blocks so there is the potential for more winners than usual.


The November block is the Kitty Cat. Link to block.


Modern print background fabric

Solid color fabric for cat

St. Louis Modern Quilt Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 216 Parkland Ave, St. Louis, MO 63122

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