Octavia (President) opened the meeting at 10:08 am on 2/8/2025.
The account balance as of 12/31/2024 is 17,260.84. Financials are posted on the website.
Guild Business:
If you haven’t already, please renew your membership for this year!
We do have a guild assistance fund for new and current members who could use assistance paying our dues.
Donations wanted for our new member Welcome Bags! If you are interested in donating please reach out to Nancy Dlugosz or Abbie Stolzer. We do NOT need small scissors or measuring tapes.
Board transitions/communication
Welcome to our new board members:
Vice President - Ander Weis
Treasurer - Susan Hoernschemeyer
Web Director - Irene Kattner-Stuhrenberg
Thank you to our board members who are stepping down, we appreciate you!!
If you need to contact the board, please use the general STLMQG email or our board emails.
Spam Alert!!
Kitty Wilkin is coming to visit us May 30-June 1. More information on registration to come to your email inboxes in the coming weeks.
UPDATE TO MEETING SCHEDULE: We will have regular meetings in April and May (second Saturday of each month).
STL MQG Schedule:
Feb 19: Hand Stitchers at Buder Library on the 3rd floor
Feb 20-23: QuiltCon
Feb 22: Virtual Sew 10am-12pm
Feb 25: Hand Sew Happy Hour - 6-9pm - Chippewa Panera Bread
March 8: Regular Guild Meeting
March 22: Virtual Sew
March 25: Hand Sew Happy Hour
April 12: Regular Guild Meeting
Details on any STLMQG meet ups at Quilt-Con will be on Facebook as they come together. There is a public group you can join on Facebook.
Block Lotto for March:
Crosshatch Block!
Focus: modern design, accuracy, contrast
Solid background; print for crosshatch
1 dark color and 1 light color; quilters choice
Guidelines are on the website HERE!
Committee Announcements:
We could use some more help for the House Committee. If you’re interested, you can sign up HERE!
Thank you to Candace and Mary Beth for co-leading our 2026 Quilt Show!
Member Announcements
Kristy Daum spoke to the guild about her experience as a Quilt-Con judge for our meeting program.
Our fabric raffle winners are Jenn Deck and Peggy Harris. Congrats and thank you Cotton Cuts!!
Our first block lotto winner is Annamaria Lu. Congratulations!
We hope to see you at our next meeting on March 8th! Until then, happy quilting!
-Abbie Stolzer (Secretary)