STL MQG March 2025.pdf
Octavia (president) opened the meeting at 10:04 on 3/8/2025.
The account balance as of 1/31/25 is $18,640.98. Financials are posted on the website.
Guild Business:
Spam alert: emails pretending to be from board. Do not click on links.
Identifying QuiltCon attendees from guild photo
Calendar update. We are meeting in May, but we are not meeting in June. Website will be updated soon.
Volunteers for LitShop quilt. The youth in this program have made blocks from their perspectives on the world today and we need volunteers to help put the quilt together to give a finished quilt to them. Contact Octavia ( to assist.
Kitty Wilkin is coming to visit May 30-June 1.
Friday lecture is free for members.
Saturday workshop- From Watercolor to Quilt
Sunday workshop- Improv Mountains
Registrations to open soon.
STL MQG schedule:
Handstitchers on 1st and 3rd Wednesday at Buder Library
March 13th: History Museum Event
March 16th: Bits and Pieces Quilt show meet up
March 22nd: Virtual Sew
April 1st: Art Quilters meeting (Every first Tuesday via zoom)
April 12th: Regular Meeting
Block Lotto for April: Bitty Blocks
Focus: tiny piecing, community, tradition meets modern, scale
Low volume background
Bright, bold prints/ blenders for image; smaller scale will work best
Small blocks
Guidelines are on the website Here
Committee Announcements:
Swap & Challenge
Challenge: Stripe It!
Due: November 8th, 2025
Focus: Stripes. Make stripes with fabric, used striped fabric, the PRIMARY focus must be stripes.
There will be monetary awards for 1st-3rd and participation prizes.
Charity Committee
Laura Patterson and Teresa Grumke are co-chairs.
This year will be Epworth family services. This organization supports foster children ages 11-19.
Twin size and throw size quilts for youth. No specific length requirements.
Due November meeting 11/8/2025.
Charity Committee has a package of charity labels that can be placed on quilts. “STLmqg cares”
History Event
Tess McMahon on “Fabric of History: St. Louis Women & Textiles” at the Missouri History Museum on March 13th from 5-8pm.
Tess will be at the event representing STLmqg.
3 presentations
Kristen will be there demonstrating quilt repair.
All Women Honor Flight in June
They are collecting all red, white, and blue quilts. They need 50 quilts by May.
Requirements: 36x36 inches for the laps of the veterans. Needs to be cotton quilts, finished, and with a binding. Can be print, solid, any any combination of fabrics as long as they are red, white, and blue.
Contact is Tess McMahon
St. Louis Cardinals Call
AI and Quilting by Annamaria Lu
Generative AI
Discussed fabric and quilt patterns generated by AI
Chat GPT, DALL-E, and quilting math
Ethics of AI use: Environmental Impact, Energy Generation
Bias and AI results
Pattern mills vs person made patterns
Copy right material used and legal challenges
Show and Share!
Attendance Prizes
CrossHatch Block Lotto Winners: Annamaria Lu, Marie Hill, Sheila Acuncius
Fabric raffle Winner: Jami Howell
Huge thank you to Cotton Cuts for your donation!
Meeting Closed at 12:00pm
We hope to see you at our next meeting on April 12th. Until then, happy quilting!
Ander Weis (VP)