2025 March Meeting

March 8, 2025 - We were back to the Center of Clayton for our March meeting where our member, Annamaria Lu, shared with us a presentation on AI and quilting - AI & Quilting or: How I Learned to Keep Worrying and Question What is Art.  Lots of information on what to look for the next time you are looking for a new pattern or some new fabric!

Please join us in a future meeting. We meet most months on the second Saturday of the month. Most monthly meetings are open to the public. Please check the Events tab for more details. Occasionally, some month's meetings are canceled due to other activities during the month.

UPCOMING IMPORTANT DATES - Check calendar for details

Kitty Wilkins Lecture and Workshops - May 30 - June 1, 2025

We are the official St. Louis chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild (STLMQG), which was founded July 20, 2010, by Kristy Daum. The guild was born out of a desire to connect with other quilters and sewists from around the area who have an interest in the modern aesthetic. 

We are a unique guild in that we strive to present "All Things Modern, All The Time." Regardless of whether you are an experienced quilter or just bought your first few yards of fabric, we hope that you will find our guild inspiring, educational, fun, and entertaining. 

How to contact us? Email stlmqg@gmail.com or contact a specific officer listed below.

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Important #'s -

#stlmqg  #stlmqgufo2023 #stlmqgRR23

St Louis Modern Quilt Guild On QuiltingHub

What is Modern Quilting?

In our opinion, the best definition of modern quilting can be found on the Modern Quilt Guild's (MQG) site, part of which is below, although we encourage you to visit the MQG's site for the full experience.

"Modern quilts are primarily functional and inspired by modern design. Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt. These include, but are not limited to the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. 'Modern traditionalism' or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting."

- The MQG

2025 Officers

President: Octavia Pitts, President@stlmqg.org

Vice-President: Ander Weis VicePresident@stlmqg.org 

Secretary: Abbie Stolzer, Secretary@stlmqg.org

Treasurer: Susan Hoernschemeyer, Treasurer@stlmqg.org 

Web Director: Irene Kattner-Stuhrenberg, Webdirector@stlmqg.org


Member Swap and Challenge
Quilt Show

Quiltcon Charity Quilt


Our by-laws , amended October, 2023 , can be found here. Link

Logo designed by Juli Ann Donahue, 2011

(Members Only) How to get a MQG card

Archive of Guild posts prior to 2023

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