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Volunteer candidates needed for Secretary of the Guild Board

12/08/2023 8:28 AM | Gail Luther (Administrator)

Posted on behalf of Octavia Pitts.

My friends, the board election approaches and we're still in need of candidates for our secretary position. Besides getting to hang out on zoom once a month with your fellow board members, you'd be in charge of taking notes at meetings, sending the recap, and helping out with membership functions. Plus someone has to keep track of all the retreats @gailluther attends without approval.

It's a hoot, the term will fly by, and you'll help keep our awesome guild running smoothly.

Interested?? Email the guild inbox and we'll forward to @hwyss , or you can contact her directly. Info in the guild directory so we don't dox her. 

Email for Hope Wyss

St. Louis Modern Quilt Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 216 Parkland Ave, St. Louis, MO 63122

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